Great Falls Photographer | Winter Simplicity Sessions
My blog has been hibernating…in reverse…. If you follow me and my social media accounts, website, email subscription…you’ve probably noticed that I fall off the radar from around May through November. Yep, busy picture-taking season! Also, when we have those long and beautifully warm summer days - spending time in my basement on my computer is the last thing I want to do!
BUT…I’m BAAAACK!!! And I’m super excited to share and recap some sessions and memories from this last summer and fall. And I’ll probably throw in some “life” stuff of my own - my kiddos, my home, some fun and free design printables…maybe some recipes…just to keep ya on your toes!
“So prepare yourself to be inundated with cute kids, cute dogs, pretty couples, and GORGEOUS families and seniors! ”
First up?! My most recent sessions, and a new special I am offering….(drum roll)…SIMPLICITY SESSIONS!
What in the world is a “Simplicity Session”? Well, after being asked a million times about “mini sessions”, I decided it was time to offer a monthly opportunity to take advantage of a down-and-dirty photo session, digital images, print release, and smaller price tag! Wahoo!!! But I have limited availability, and only one session day each month, so if you are interested, make sure you get in touch :)
This beautiful couple below got in on my December 8th Simplicity Session, and wanna know the best part???! They brought their puppies!
“I frequently get questions about whether it’s okay to bring pets, and my answer is always YES! Always…bring all the dogs!”
The beauty of a brief session during the winter is twofold: gorgeous backdrops that are unique amongst the typical “photo session” backgrounds, and limited time (20 minutes) to keep us all from freezing!
Simplicity Sessions can also be a great fit for seniors who may not be wild about getting their picture taken, but recognize the importance of capturing such a milestone! In other words, senior guys…this might be perfect for you!
And little ones? They are so cute and sweet…until they’re not. So for stressed mamas (and dads) who know that little gal or guy won’t last more than a half hour - no problem! Simplicity Session has your name all over it!
I was so excited with the families and seniors I got to work with during my November and December Simplicity Sessions, and now I can’t wait to see what January and February will bring! So if your summer and fall were just too crazy to fit in a session, or you’d like to mix up the scenery from your typical “family photos”, contact me and I’ll get ya on the list :) January’s Simplicity Session will be January 19th at Giant Springs!