Great Falls Family Photographer | Low-Maintenance Kid Smoothies

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Anyone struggle with the idea of signing up for another mess you’ll have to clean? (Be honest, ladies) This is how I feel every time my kids want to help me cook or want to do “craft time”. I know…this sounds awful and I’m probably going to hell for admitting it out loud, but it’s truth.

Suddenly, what could take 5 minutes in the kitchen is now a marathon of meal prep that looks like a small hurricane rolled through my house. And yes, I said “house” because it is rarely contained in the kitchen, alone. You all with young kids or those who have ever had young kids are probably pickin’ up what I’m puttin’ down.

The aftermath is, of course, a great feeling of knowing I spent quality time with my kiddos, and they learned some things, and they had fun…all the warm fuzzies. But I never turn down an opportunity for a simple recipe that yields all WFs (warm fuzzies) without all the WTFs (what the ____ happened to my kitchen?). Amen, right?!

SO…here’s a good one for ya, and the only casualties are a measuring cup, blender, and a few glasses!


Now, if you are thinking…”Why did I stick around for that? That’s so easy.” That’s the point, girls. Maximum family fun, minimum mess and stress. :) I mean, checkout those smiles?! #momwin

Hope y’all can use this one when your patience is low and mom guilt is setting in! ;) Lots of love to you ladies out there trying to do your best!

family photos